Monday, November 06, 2006

Kong, Baths, and Lost Teeth...

The last couple of days have been pretty mellow. However, we did a few fun things like a trip to the beach, walks, and playing "Kong".
The beach trip was fun. It was windy, so Dan tried to fly a kite. Actually, it was two kites. I watched them fly for a while before the wind took them away. They flew a long way before crashing into the Gulf. Dan was going to swim out there...but it was a long way to swim, and he said he couldn't see them. I think he was afraid of sharks...Litterbug!!

I love to play Kong. Kong is my big red chew toy that is usually filled with peanut butter to keep me complacent will the humans are away.

Usually Dan and Sara throw the Kong into the bushes and make me look for it. I can always find it, even if I don't see where it went. This is me looking for my Kong yesterday.

Then I will always take it back to them so they will throw it some more. I wish they would chase me around like Kubbie always does...but I guess they like me to drop it off in front of them so they only have to move as little as possible.

They will usually play with me until I am pretty tired. I like to roll around, then take a nice long nap after a hard game of "Kong".

But if course if I play too hard, or especially if we go to the beach...I always end up getting a bath. I don't mind it so much. I have learned to not be afraid of the water, and the soap really smells good. It doesn't taste so good, but it smells good.
This is me getting washed by Sara.

Then there is my stick collection. It is getting pretty big. I eat some of them, so it doesn't grow too fast, but I love to keep them on the lanai. I am not allowed to bring my stick collection in the house for some reason, so I just leave them all nice and tidy on the front mat. I keep some of my toys there too. I don't know why, but the carpet is much better for storing sticks and toys then the wood deck.

In other news...I lost another tooth! Check this out:

This is my tooth right before it came out. It is pretty much dead and just dangling there. It came out a bit later in the day...thanks to Dan's help!

This is what it looks like when my tooth is no longer in my mouth. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt.



heymaughan said...

Staten will be jealous that Savannah is losing teeth before he does. He's got a loose one, but it just keeps hanging on!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm jealous of your blog. My name is Brutus and I live with my humans Marianne and Jordan in Santa Barbara. I have a kong too, but it's big and black and they almost never put peanut butter in it.

I'm going to keep reading your blog. Maybe Marianne will stop being so lazy and make one for me. But I doubt it. I'm going to take Marianne to the beach...bye for now!

Savannah Sombrita Del Mar said...

It's nice to meet you Brutus. I love going to the beach!! You must have a great time there in Santa Barbara. I hear that the West really is the best! Tell Marianne and Jordan hello from Dan. Maybe we can all go to the beach together some day!

Beth and Ian Rebel Rouse Florida

It is never a bad day on the scoots. Perhaps the best way to see the island, especially since Ding Darling opened it's doors to scooter ...